

Taiwan Power Company“Gui-she Primary Distribution Substation (R/S) – Civil Construction Turnkey Project”

Release date:
source: Star Energy

Our company participated in the public bidding for the “Gui-she Primary Distribution Substation (R/S) Civil Construction Turnkey Project” owned by the Southern Construction Division of the Transmission and Substation Engineering Department, Taiwan Power Company. The bid was awarded to our company as the most favorable bid by NT$919 million.

Overview of the project: To support the government's energy transformation policy and the grid integration demands of local renewable energy plants, this project will be built in Shulin-tou section no. 899, Budai Township, Chiayi County. It will include the construction of a temporary outdoor modular equipment building, a substation building with two floors above ground and one floor underground, and related cable culverts.

Design concept: An ecological flood pond is located on the other side of the site, which is surrounded by fields. The goal of this project's landscape planting is to use the location as an ecological island to protect biodiversity and green ecosystems. The substation offers both functionality and aesthetic appeal attributable to the design of the building's façade, which incorporates the idea of the nearby farmland with simple geometric shapes, rustic colors, and planting.

Optimization: This project will make use of pre-cast structures for substation building in order to meet the grid integration timeline and address the manpower shortage in Taiwan. Ruentex Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd. is entrusted for constructing these structures as a collaborative partner. Pre-cast construction is intended to solve the labor shortage issue, improve construction progress, enhance construction quality, lower safety hazards, waste, and carbon emissions.